What is BizTalk Schema?
BizTalk is
an integration technology and it basically connects different partner. Now
different partner can send the message in different format. E.g. one partner
can send the message in JSON format and receiver can accept the flat file.
However BizTalk understand only xml format and if partners are using another
format than first it needs to be converted to xml format.
In order to understand the xml
format by BizTalk, we need to define the structure of the xml message. E.g.
what will be the root node name, what will be the elements name, its data type,
attributes name , structure of the message (which element will fall under which
node) etc. Schema does this work for BizTalk.
Schema defines the structure of the messages which are being received in BizTalk
and sent to partner. BizTalk uses XML Schema Definitions (XSDs) to describe the
xml message. There are 4 types of schema in BizTalk.
1) XML Schema
2) Flat file
3) Envelope
4) Property
XML Schema:
If BizTalk has to receive an
xml message then the schema which defines the structure of this xml message is
called as xml schema.
e.g. below
is the xml messages
xml schema in BizTalk looks like this.
We can see
here the schema is defining the xml messages, name of the elements their data
There are
several properties of the schema which needs to be set like targetnamespace etc.
Flat file Schema:
If BizTalk
has to receive or send flat files then schema generated to define the structure
of the flat file is called Flat file schema.
e.g below is
the flat file which contains only first
name and last name of student which is comma separated.
Flat File Schema generated in BizTalk looks like this.
tag is being added in schema to define the flat file schema. Legacy system uses
the flat file schema and now a day’s most of the system uses either xml or JSON
or EDI format for business. The flat file specification should be thoroughly
agreed between businesses partners before developing the schema, small change
in flat file can lead to large rework from development prospective.
Envelope Schema:
If partner
wants to send more than one message having same structure in one shot e.g.
partner wants to send the multiple student details in one message then we call
that message as Envelope. In BizTalk we can de batch the Envelope message and
send one message at a time to BizTalk.This can be achieved by envelop schema. In order to create the envelope schema we need
to set some schema property. Envelope property needs to be set to true and in Body
xpath expression, need to provide body path of the document which is repeating
structure. Both Flat file and Xml Schema can be treated as envelop schema and
we can set property once double click on the schema and see property.
Generally the repeating node is Record.
Property Schema:
understand the property schema, first we should know what property promotion is.
Suppose we are receiving and xml message having student percentage and based on
percentage we want to route the message to different department. In such cases
we can promote the age from the message. The Age coming from xml instance
messages is coming as content of the message. In order to route the message
based on age, this property should be present in context of the message. Moving
the content of message to context is called the property promotion and when we
do so the promoted element is added to one Schema which takes care to move the
values from content to context. This schema is called property schema.
Apart from
these Schemas there is one more type of schema which is called as EDI Schema.
Actually it is same as Flat File Schema , but considering the complexity of the
EDI messages ,BizTalk provides around 8000+ EDI schemas and we can use them
instead of generating on own.
Simple and easy way
ReplyDeletevery nice explianation